Dear CCP4,

We are organizing an EMBO practical course dedicated to "Time-resolved macromolecular serial crystallography" at the EPN campus, Grenoble, France, from *8*_*th – 12th July, 2024*_. The course aims to train next generation researchers in the field of TR-SX with hands-on training from micro-crystallization, TR-SX data collection, processing to difference electron density map. We have a diverse and excellent list of speakers/trainers from the field.

Please take a look at the course webpage:

Advanced PhD students and postdocs are highly encouraged to apply and we will select 20 participants based on motivational letters/CV.

Application deadline: *15th April, 2024.

The course will offer plenty of time for discussion and opportunities for interactions from all career levels. Distinct events are incorporated to help participants for network and further their opportunities.



Shibom Basu, PhD.
Staff Scientist
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
71 avenue des Martyrs, CS 90181,
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
Ph: +33-(0)-4 76 20 78 75


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