It's very possible with any overlap of lattice points, even in the lower
symmetry space groups. To extend Eleanor's list: For example, I once had a
structure with the unit cell relationship 3c cos(beta) = -a. In cases like
that, it's not really a clean diffraction, but looks very much like a
single lattice of points. This is so-called "reticular pseudomerohedry
across the ab-plane with a twin index of 3." The h,k,l reflections of the
parent lattice are superimposed upon h, k, (-l-2h)/3 reflections of the
twin lattice. So twinning can be frightenly common.

On Wed, February 21, 2007 10:49 am, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
> There are many and various reasons for unpleasantly high R values,  and
> twinning is undoubtedly one of them.
> But you can only have twinning with apparently good diffraction if the
> cell dimensions allow it.
> It is always a possibility in trigonal, tetragonal and cubic cells.
> Certain other combinations of cell dimensions allow it ;- eg monoclinic
> with a ~= c   or beta ~= 90
> But you can usually detect it from the intensity statistics - see the
> plots from TRUNCATE for Moments and Cumulative intensities.
> Or the output of SFCHECK which suggests possible twinning baed on
> interpretation of  these tests.
> So it should be relatively easy to spot those cases where twinning is a
> likely cause of high Rfactor..
> Surprisingly some degree of twinning doesnt seem to degrade the map
> quality very much..
> Just an aside - it is really puzzling why from two sets of apparently
> similar data, one set gives Rfacros of 24+ while others  refine to R of
> 18% ..
> Eleanor
> Kay Diederichs wrote:
>> Sue Roberts wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> A partially philosophical, partially pragmatic question.
>>> I've noticed a trend, both on ccp4bb and locally, to jump to twinning
>>> as an explanation for data sets which do not refine well - that is
>>> data sets with R and Rfree stuck above whatever the person's
>>> pre-conceived idea of an acceptable R and Rfree are.   This usually
>>> leads to a mad chase through all possible space groups, twinning
>>> refinements, etc. and, in my experience, often results in a lot of
>>> time being spent for no significant improvements.
>>> Just out of curiosity, does  anyone have a feel for what fraction of
>>> stuck data sets are actually twinned? (I presume this will vary
>>> somewhat with the type of problem being worked on).
>>> And a  sorta-hypothetical question, given nice-looking crystals;
>>> images with no visible split spots, extra reflections, or streaks;
>>> good predictions; nice integration profiles; good scaling with
>>> reasonable systematic absences; a normal solvent content; and a
>>> plausible structure solution,  and R/Rf somewhat highish (lets say
>>> .25/.3  for 1.8 A data), how often would you expect the Stuck R/Rf to
>>> be caused by twinning (or would you not consider this a failed
>>> refinement).  (My bias is that such data sets are almost never
>>> twinned and one should look elsewhere for the problem, but perhaps
>>> others know better.)
>>> Sue
>>> Sue Roberts
>>> Biochemistry & Biopphysics
>>> University of Arizona
>> Sue,
>> I seem to be in the other camp:  - "nice-looking crystals; images
>> with no visible split spots, extra reflections, or streaks; good
>> predictions; nice integration profiles; good scaling with reasonable
>> systematic absences; a normal solvent content; and a plausible structure
>> solution,  and R/Rf somewhat highish (lets say .25/.3  for 1.8 A data)"
>> - all of this may happen with merohedrally twinned crystals. I believe
>> it would be good to teach students to always devote some thought to
>> the possibility of merohedral twinning in case of a trigonal/
>> hexagonal/ tetragonal crystal, to avoid a rather common pitfall. I
>> don't have the percentage at hand, but I believe I saw a paper by
>> George Sheldrick giving a high percentage (like 20% or so) of
>> merohedral twinned structures in the above crystal systems for
>> small-molecule structures -  why should that percentage be different
>> for protein crystals?
>> It is of course true that twinning refinement is painful, and a lot of
>> additional work! But "man twinning" is always enlightening reading.
>> Kay

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