Dear CCP4BBers,

Announcing the 2nd EMBO Practical Course on High throughput Protein Production 
and Crystallization

June 20-28th 2007, Oxford Protein Production Facility, Oxford.

The aim of this course will be to review the state-of-the-art of 
high-throughput (HTP) protein production and crystallization methods in 
structural biology with an emphasis on using these methods to study complex and 
'difficult' targets and their rescue. Practical training will be provided in 
HTP methods for cloning, protein expression screening using both  E. coli and 
eukaryotic systems, protein purification and crystallization. Participants will 
be able to apply the high-throughput protein production and crystallization 
methods to their own protein target(s) with the option of entering their 
target(s) into the process  at various stages.

The deadline for applications is 1st May 2007. Please go to for details of how to apply.

Robert Esnouf and Ray Owens


Dr. Robert Esnouf,
University Research Lecturer, Head of Bioinformatics and IT,
The Division of Structural Biology and
The Oxford Protein Production Facility,
The Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine,
Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK

Emails: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: (+44) - 1865 - 287783
    and [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Fax: (+44) - 1865 - 287547

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