Hi all,

I'm refining the structure of a complex at low resolution (4.5). Certainly refinement at low resolution will become more common, but there isn't a whole lot out there now to use as a guide. I've incorporated most of the suggestions from DeLaBarre and Brunger, but I'm looking for any other suggestions and I have a couple of specific questions.

I have independent, high resolution structures for both molecules of the complex, and I got a nice solution from Phaser. There is 4-fold NCS (45,000 atoms in the ASU). Because of the low resolution I have also added manual restraints based on secondary structure of the individual structures to help the observation/parameter ratio. So far, I have been using tight NCS restraints in Refmac along with Babinet scaling for bulk solvent, fixed B for the solvent, and isotropic refinement for B factors. Currently, R=25.7 Rfree=30.0 and the difference between R and Rfree has stayed pretty constant from starting values in the 40's. I just loosened up the NCS and got a fairly significant drop in R (21.3)but a less significant drop in Rfree (28.8). The maps seem somewhat better with some possible ion sites getting stronger in the difference map. Should I worry about the large R change relative to Rfree?

I also have some very strong density for a portion of a molecule (missing in the original structure) that I can't model unambiguously at this resolution. It is very likely in multiple conformations. I'm guessing this is going to cause the R factors to bottom out and I'm worried trying to push the R factors down without building this will lead to a some distortion around this area. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

Finally, what would you like to see in a paper as validation for the correctness of a model at this resolution and phased by MR? Omit maps of key features?

Yes, I am trying to get higher resolution data.
Thanks in advance.


Paul Paukstelis, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology
The University of Texas at Austin
P: 512-471-4778, F: 512-232-3420

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