Hello Ibrahim,

from the name of the library I would guess it belongs to the IBM compiler. 
Since you probably don't want to install it only to run Delphi (because it 
costs quite a bit), you would have to contact the authors of Delphi to 
recompile their program. 

Many compilers come with a switch to make the binary independent of the actual 
compiler libraries, and even though I don't have access to the IBM compilers 
I guess that this is possible for those, too.


On Thursday 31 May 2007 08:22, Ibrahim M. Moustafa wrote:
> Hi All,
>     I'm trying to install Delphi on the MacOS PPC. The distributed
> package has a delphiMacOSX.
>    However, when trying to run the program I get the error:
>    "dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/ibmcmp/lib/libxlomp_ser.dylib
>   Reasong: Image not found
>    Obviously, I'm missing something here as the directory
> /opt/ibmcp/lib does not exist!!
>    The makefile does not have any indication for that directory! I
> have no idea why I see this error and how to remove it!
>    I'd be appreciated if anyone has an experience in installing
> Delphi on the MacOS would guide me through the installation.
> P.S. Hope this non-ccp4 question does not bother you guys!
>    thanks,
>   Ibrahim
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>------------------------------- Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Ph.D.
> Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept.
> 201 Althouse Lab., Uinversity Park
> Pennsylvania State University, PA16802
> Tel.  (814)863-8703
> Fax. (814)865-7927
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tim Grune
Australian Synchrotron
800 Blackburn Road
Clayton, VIC 3168

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