Dear Shivesh,
Try some buffer screening.
If you have a real-time PCR machine nearby you can easily screen
96 buffer conditions in about an hour.

Check out:
Ericsson et al. Analytical Biochemistry 2006 Aug;357(2):289-98

Best regards,


On Aug 30, 2007, at 6:06 PM, shivesh kumar wrote:

Dear all
I am trying to purify HSP from C.trachomatis,a 57kDa protein for crystallization.The yield is very good.The problem is autodegradation and precipitation.I never reached to 1.5mg/ml concentration.There is a His-tag at C-ter.I appreciate all the suggestins regarding get rid of at least precipitation.Also appreciate worth suggestions from groups working with chaperonins.Thanx in advance.
Shivesh kumar

B. Martin Hallberg, PhD
Assistant professor
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Medical Nobel Institute
Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 3
SE-171 77 Stockholm

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