The file format is definitely machine byte order dependent. (see $CDOC/plot84.doc) A few years ago I was toying with the idea of making library code deal with swapping if need be...
Never did it though....

William Scott wrote:
Did you make your plt file on the intel mac?  I've noticed that ones I made on 
ppc give that error on my otherwise functional xplot84driver (in the fink 

I tried byte-swapping with dd but to no avail.

I guess this is still the cutting edge of 1984 software?


On Thu, 6 Sep 2007 15:02:01 +0200
Derek Logan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've installed CCP4 on an Intel Mac running Mac OS X 10.4.10 using the binary installer from the automatic download page. Everything works fine and dandy except xplot84driver. This currently means I have to convert every plot file on the command line using pltdev then use Preview to view the PS as PDF, rather than just using the CCP4i pulldown menu. Initially xplot84driver complains that libifcore.dylib is missing. This appears to be an Intel compiler-specific library which I just happen to have in /opt/intel/fc/9.1.024/lib, as I once evaluated the beta release of the compiler. If I copy this to $CCPLIB or link from there to it, it complains that it doesn't have libifm.dylib, which in turn complains that it doesn't have libirc.dylib. Finally when all these libraries are linked to and loaded, xplot84driver complains about "Bad plot84 file format" and does not open the plot file. Does anyone have an idea what is going on? Thanks
     Derek Logan             tel: +46 46 222 1443
     Molecular Biophysics    fax: +46 46 222 4692
     Lund University
     Box 124, Lund, Sweden

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