Yes, I should explain better "that might not justify all your observations"; in more details, if such care (free set considered the twin law) was not taken it is probable that the gap between R and R-free is even larger, as Anastassis points. Might R-free become a "reasonable" value in this case [then there remains the problem of the huge(r) gap and rather low R-factor] ? John might tell us if such care as taken and then if the picture would change, then with new insights.


But, if that was the case, wouldn't you expect the opposite, Rfree to be too close to R ?
here they appear to be too different !

in other words: if Rfree is not 'really free due to twin law' i would expect R/Rfree to be too close, not too far !


On Oct 23, 2007, at 13:58, Jorge Iulek wrote:


One other point to be added, although that might not justify all your observations, is to be sure that the R-free set was chosen respecting the twin law. Both phenix and CNS (not automatically) can do this. Of course, as pointed before, when you change your R- free set, you should "anneal" to avoid previous bias.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Gruene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] AC.GWDG.DE>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:07 AM
Subject: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] Twinning

There might be a few reasons for these R-values which seem to contradict experience:
1) The starting phases result from MR where the model is very  close and
   from a data set at higher resolution. If your 3.1A data are of
respectable quality, the model would still correspond well to the data,
   hence both R and Rfree are low (-er than the "10% rule": Expect  the
   Rwork to be around 10% of your data set resolution).

2) Your data are not complete, maybe due to the twinning

3) You messed up with your test set and entangled it to the model somehow,
   e.g., because you collected a second data set and did not import
   Rfree from the original one. If the model was already overrefined
   against the initial model your Rfree would come too close to the
   R-value, even though your model is wrong.

4) You might just be a very good modeller and your data, even though only
   low resolution, are rather accurate.

I am sure there are more reasons. Yet, I would be very suspicious with such a low Rvalue at this resolution.

John, you could try
- calculate an omit map
- remove a major part of you model, run a quick refinement and see if the density of the removed part comes back - this should indicate that you
  did not overrefine against your data
- try simulated annealing


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, Anastassis Perrakis wrote:

Dear J.Kryst  -

I am basically very puzzled to see that a 3.1 A structure has R and Rfree of 15.3 and 23.8 % respectively !

Is that the diffraction limit of the crystal or is it a home dataset collected with rather short exposures?
Is the Wilson B very low by any chance ?

As for the gab, I am too puzzled by the absolute values to even think of it. I would had never expected a 3.1 A twin dataset to give Rfrees anywhere else than the high 20's- let alone R below 20 !


PS How do you pronounce J.Kryst really?

On 23 Oct 2007, at 6:54, john kryst wrote:

Hi ccp4bb  !!

I am refining a 3.1 A resolution structure which has partial twinning with twinning fraction 0.27 (space group P61). When i refined in CNS with twin_lsq target i got 0.1529 and 0.2384 as R and Rfree. There is almost 8-9% gap in R and Rfree. Map quality is good enough to trace all
the atoms and ligands.

There is nothing much to build in the map too. Any suggestions to reduce the gap in R and Rfree. I couldn't use shelxl because of the resolution. Is it OK to stop refinement and submit the structure.

with warm regards

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