Hi John,

if I understand the "make_cv_twin.inp" correctly, then this script takes care about separating reflections related by the twin law to avoid a potential bias of the Free-R set with twin-law-related reflections from the working set. At least, in the source of this script I read the comment: "{- make sure all twin related reflections are in the same set -}". If this is true, then you simply don't have to worry any further about your good R-factors, but enjoy a very well refined structure! Maybe, the authors of this CNS script could comment on this separation of reflections?

Best regards,


Am 23.10.2007 um 15:32 schrieb john kryst:

Hi CCP4bb ,

Thanks for your suggestions... here is the summary of the structure...

I am working in deletion and point mutants. I have a mutant (P61 resoln 3.1A) with partial twinning with twinning fraction 0.28. Wilson b-factor is 50. The data collected in the home source with normal exposure time. The rmsd's of the refined structure is 0.0081 (bonds) and 1.38672 (angles). Molprobity is score is 50 without any manual model building (just after the refinement).

Since the structure is twinned new free R-flag has been chosen according to CNS make_cv_twin.inp. The b-factor has been flattened to 30. Then rigid-body_twin refinement followed by simulated annealing_twin is done (heating the structure up to 5000K with different initial velocity trials). The R and R free after this step is 18.35 and 27.22. Then i did bgroup_twin refinement which gave me R and R free 17.06 25.63. Further model building and refinement tend to reduce the R and Rfee upto 15 and 23.

I deleted some portion of the molecule and did refinement. But proper density appeared after it.

Please help me out.


Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center, A 5.07
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81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
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