This is an additional reminder to the community that January 12 (Saturday) 
is the deadline for abstract submissions for the New Structures session at 
the 2008 ACA meeting in Knoxville, TN.
The session will feature a balance of talks from both the protein and 
nucleic acid crystallographic communities. Abstract submissions from 
students interested in the Etter Student Lecturer Award are strongly 

01.01   New Structures
Sunday, June 1st
Organizers: David Giedroc  and Mark Wilson
Description: Recent structures from both the protein and nucleic acid 
structural communities that are of general interest will be featured, some 
of which will be discussed prior to publication.  In addition to invited 
talks, some presentations will be chosen from the submitted abstracts.  As 
in previous years, the talks will span a broad range of biological topics 
and will integrate the discussion of crystallographic methodology with the 
broader context of biological function

Mark A. Wilson
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry/Redox Biology Center
University of Nebraska
N164 Beadle Center
1901 Vine Street
Lincoln, NE 68588
(402) 472-3626

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