"Then I used CNS to do annealing, then use refmac to do rigid body

That can be why the R-factors went up. Rigid-body subsequent to simulated
annealing will (if anything) undo the refinement ...

Anastassis Perrakis wrote:
> Just to point out that I have missed the NCS presence; Lijun is
> *perfectly* correct; even more I should emphasize the point and
> say that at 3.0 A, Thou Must Use NCS (if I say again anything about
> Gospels and Kleywegt we end up with more facebook groups ...)
>>  I think there is no reason at this resolution edge (~3A), making
>> bonds possibly resolvable, that NCS should not be used,
>>>      By the way, it is a dimer and I didnot use NCS restarin
>>> during refinement. Below is from refmac log:
> I would however disagree with Lijun thats its instability. Of course
> the 180 cycles are of no use at all
> (10 cycles in Refmac are more than enough in 99% of cases), but Rfree
> shoots up from 32.6 to 36.2 in 12 cycles,
> which is clearly an indication of some sort of pathology, and not
> instability.
> Well, tight NCS is the best starting point in this case.
> Tassos

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