Install zsh.

Then invoke it.

Then issue:

autoload -U zmv
 alias mmv='noglob zmv -W'

Then you are ready for some fun:

mmv 1105\ A*.osc  A*.osc

Then if you decide to make your default shell zsh, you can put that in
your .zshrc file and all you have to remember in the future is mmv

Raja Dey wrote:
> Hi,
> How I can change names of many files keeping the extension same. My files
> are like this
> 1105 A0176.osc
> 1105 A0177.osc
> 1105 A0178.osc
> 1105 A0179.osc
> 1105 A0180.osc
> I want to change them as
> A0176.osc
> A0177.osc
> A0178.osc
> A0179.osc
> A0180.osc
> I am using ubuntu linux.
> Thanks...
> RD
> Raja Dey, Ph.D.
> Research Associate
> Molecular and Computational Biology
> University of Southern California
> 1050 Childs Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089
> ---------------------------------
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