Dear James!

Initially I was shocked by the profound implications of your discovery! I immmediately phoned my good friend, Sen. John McCain, to discuss the issue. As you know, Sen. McCain was an aspiring physicist back in the 1920s, when he was in his forties. He pointed me to a little known note (*) by Planck, Slater and Oppenheimer that showed that Heisenberg's assertion is only true under very special spatio-temporal circumstances. In layman's terms, it means that the effect operates only on Earth, and only on a particular day of the year (usually the 91st day, but occasionally the 92nd - I'll spare you the math). So, provided that we don't study, use or publish any structures on those exact space-time coordinates, I think we can safely continue with the established practice.

Nevertheless, I will use all the leverage I have at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to get the Nobel Committee for Physics to give your discovery in quantum-crystallography the recognition that it deserves! You are the living proof that not all Physics Nobel Laureates need to be brilliant youngsters!

With warm wishes,


(*) In the little-known journal: Ann. Phys. Relativ. Instrum. Lab., 1.

                        Gerard J.  Kleywegt
    [Research Fellow of the Royal  Swedish Academy of Sciences]
Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology  University of Uppsala
                Biomedical Centre  Box 596
                SE-751 24 Uppsala  SWEDEN  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The opinions in this message are fictional.  Any similarity
   to actual opinions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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