Note the appearance of "Normal Termination" in the middle of the table.
So I think it is this problem:



-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of hari jayaram
Sent: Thu 4/24/2008 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Scala summary and log file- sometimes shortened
Hello everyone,
It seems that the reason I get "short summaries" in scala is because the
"Show Summary button" is affected by a possible intermitently appearing
change in  scala log file formatting.

When I looked for the text "Summary" in the log file I did find the entire
table -intact.

SO just for completeness - here is what the "Show summary" gave . And below
this I have the intact summary in the log file. It seems like ccp4i  "Show
summary" button for scala log file viewing does not include the entire table
in the window everytime.


Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: P10_2 Dataset: P10_2

                                           Overall  InnerShell OuterShell

  Low resolution limit                      102.06    102.06      2.11
  High resolution limit                       2.00      6.34      2.00

  Rmerge                                     0.252     0.112     5.247
  Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.269     0.118     6.982
 Scala:  ** Normal termination **
Times: User:     403.8s System:    7.8s Elapsed:     6:52


INTACT summary:
When I do Full log file view : I get the entire summary


Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: P10_2 Dataset: P10_2

                                           Overall  InnerShell OuterShell

  Low resolution limit                      102.06    102.06      2.11
  High resolution limit                       2.00      6.34      2.00

  Rmerge                                     0.252     0.112     5.247
  Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.269     0.118     6.982
 Scala:  ** Normal termination **
Times: User:     403.8s System:    7.8s Elapsed:     6:52
  Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.269     0.118     6.982
  Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.091     0.036     4.552
  Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.091     0.036     4.552
  Fractional partial bias                   -0.113    -0.122    -1.163
  Total number of observations             1458009    111004      8307
  Total number unique                       212719      9864      4327
  Mean((I)/sd(I))                              6.4      16.6       0.3
  Completeness                                67.9      99.6       9.4
  Multiplicity                                 6.9      11.3       1.9



 User: hari  Run date: 22/ 4/2008 Run time: 16:39:47
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 4:14 PM, hari jayaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For some reason scala does not output the same log file for me everytime. I
> got used to looking at the summary for my scala run, using the Show summary
> button in ccp4i after picking view log file.
> In most cases I get a detailed summary. For this particular dataset ,
> despite not changing any parameters in the GUI  I get a very shortened
> summary.
> Is it that I clicked some button by mistake, that shortens the log-summary.
> I am using the latest version of ccp4 6.2.2 and fink installed ccp4 on OSX
> Leopard.
> I am reproducing the short and long summary here.
> Thanks for your help
> Hari Jayaram
> BAD Case:
> Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: P10_2 Dataset: P10_2
>                                            Overall  InnerShell OuterShell
>   Low resolution limit                      102.06    102.06      2.11
>   High resolution limit                       2.00      6.34      2.00
>   Rmerge                                     0.252     0.112     5.247
>   Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.269     0.118     6.982
>  Scala:  ** Normal termination **
> Times: User:     404.5s System:    8.0s Elapsed:     6:53
> </pre>
> </html>
> GOOD case:
> Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: p10_1 Dataset: p10_1
>                                            Overall  InnerShell OuterShell
>   Low resolution limit                      102.60    102.60      2.12
>   High resolution limit                       2.01      6.35      2.01
>   Rmerge                                     0.164     0.053     3.283
>   Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.183     0.058     4.363
>   Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.183     0.058     4.363
>   Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.080     0.021     2.835
>   Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.080     0.021     2.835
>   Fractional partial bias                   -0.022    -0.018    -0.072
>   Total number of observations              835420     73666      4479
>   Total number unique                       196397      9701      3022
>   Mean((I)/sd(I))                              2.2       4.2       0.2
>   Completeness                                64.3      99.8       6.9
>   Multiplicity                                 4.3       7.6       1.5
> ================================================================================

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