Dear All

I am processing data from a crystal for a large macromolecular complex
with mosflm. Cell dimensions are around 120 x 150 x 650, with a p222
spacegroup. To  avoid overlaps, we have collected data with a oscillation
of 0.1 degrees.

When I try to process the data with mosflm, mosaicity decreases along the
processing to a very low values (0.05 to 0.1 depending on the images). The
result is that I miss a lot of spots from the images.

I would appreciate any help regarding :

1.- What's is the best strategy to process such a dataset ?
2.- Which are the critical parameters in mosflm to avoid these problems,
and how to modify them ?
3.- and finally, can I use this data or your advice is to try to get
crystals in a different spacegroup ?

Many thanks

Best regards


Francisco J. Enguita, Ph.D.
Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory
EAN, Av. da República
2781-901 Oeiras
Phone : +351-21-4469663
Fax : +351-21-4433644

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