To the CCP4 community,

    I have been trying to run PHASER to phase a nucleic acid structure by MR 
using a partial template model.  The problem is that symmetry-related molecules 
generated from the output .pdb file coordinates spatially overlap with 
extensive clashes.  I understand from the PHASER FAQ page that this is commonly 
due to a misalignment of the nucleic acid residue name in the .pdb file.  I 
have tried the suggested solutions by changing to either single-letter nucleic 
acid nomenclature alinged to column 20 in the .pdb file or 3-letter 
nomenclature.  Unfortunately, these suggestions have failed to correct the 

    The FAQ also indicated that this issue can be caused by an incorrect 
nomenclature for the "trace" atoms.  I assume this is my problem since the 
aforementioned solutions did not work.  I would like to confirm that my atom 
names are correct in terms of what PHASER expects, but I have not been able to 
find relevant documentation for atom naming in any of the PHASER documentation 
websites (i.e. linked from PHENIX, CCP4 or the PHASER homepage) or the CCP4bb 
archives.  Could anyone indicate where I could find information regarding the 
nomenclature that PHASER expects for nucleic acid trace atoms (i.e. the 
phosphate and ribose carbon atoms)?  I'm sure it's a standard nomenclature, but 
nothing I've tried has corrected the clashing problem, which makes me think I 
may have some incorrect nomenclature (e.g. 'O1P' vs. 'OP1' if the non-bridging 
phosphate oxygens are included).  Alternatively, are there any other 
suggestions of possible causes or solutions to this clashing problem?

Thank you very much for your time,
-Andy Torelli

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