Hi Jenny,

there are probably as many 'folding enhancers' as there are crystallization
additives. Arginine might only be the most popular, followed by things like
proline and other amino acids. The mode of action of those can partly be
explained by their mild chaotropic properties. For a difficult refolding
project, the conditions should be screened sytematically. Other things to try
would be sucrose, glycerol, PEG in the range of several % etc. with purified
chaperones at the end of the row.
For initial experiments, I would always go for the quick dilution method!
Dialysis is popular in many protocols, however a lot of them were initially
developped in / for an industrial context where it makes a big difference if
you have a procedure on a 1kg scale needing a 1000 l or a 1000 m3 vessel. In
the lab you don't care if you need 10 ul or 10 ml of refoding volume.
Other sometimes successful methods are refolding on a column e. g. Ni-NTA, if
you have a his-tag, if not, try a gel filtration column.
In case you expect disulphide bridges you will have to take care about them
during the development of your protocol by adjusting the redox potential
(possibly in a stepwise manner).

Good luck!

Quoting Jenny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Dear CCP4 community,

Sorry for this off-topic protein purification problem.I'm trying to purify
an immunoglobulin-like beta sheet protein  with a  c-terminus HIS construct.
The protein expressed both in the supernat and pellet ( majority ). I
purified the supernat and after run gel filtration, it's in the void volume.
I also tried to purify from the pellet,and do dialysis refolding ( with and
without L-arg ), after overnight dialysis, I run the gel filtration column,
the apparent molecular weight looks like dimer/trimer. But when I did a CD
scan of the protein, it's showing an unfolded protein profile.I was
wondering if there is anyway to promote folding,or if anyway that can make
some mutations to make it foldable.Any input would be useful.

Thanks a lot.


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