If you installed fink, in a startup file you need to issue

source /sw/bin/init.sh


source /sw/bin/init.csh

depending on whether you are using bash/zsh or tcsh.

This will set up the ccp4 environment for you automatically.

If you installed ccp4 in some other way (eg /usr/local), then you have to source
the appropriate environment file in $CCP4/include

This will define $CBIN for you, and then the arp/warp environment definitions should then work.


William G. Scott

Contact info:

On Oct 20, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Jayashankar wrote:

Dear Friends,
I recently followed William Scott page and followed his advice to install
fink and crystallographic softwares...

But out of my curiosity i once tried to install arpwarp as per the
instructions and it was done successfully,
no problem,

but whenever i open a new terminal window,i see the following lines
Cannot setup ARP/wARP
Variable $CBIN is not defined
Please install CCP4 first

i dont know how to get rid of them, or do they mean something.
(Mac OS X 10.5)

thank you

Research Student
Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Hannover Medical School

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