Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the ESRF School titled

*"Getting the most from the ESRF MX beamlines"*
ESRF, Grenoble, France, 2nd - 5th February 2009

As part of its 2009 Users Meeting, the ESRF will host a short school *"Getting the most from the ESRF MX beamlines"* from 2nd to 5th February 2009. The School will be held on 3 days either side of the Users Meeting and is aimed at younger, relatively inexperienced users of the ESRF's MX beam-lines. The school is designed to (a) introduce the art of collecting good diffraction data at synchrotron-based MX facilities, (b) familiarize the participants with the tools available at the beam-line to allow correct pre- and post-data collection decisions to be taken and (c) present the various ancillary techniques and equipment accessible at the ESRF’s MX beam-lines.

The number of participants will be limited to 20 with all _local costs_ (i.e. registration fees, accommodation, subsistence) being met by the ESRF. The deadline for applications is 15th December 2008. More detailed information, a preliminary programme and instructions as to how to apply to attend the school can be found at:

The organising Committee

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