To the CCP4 community,

I have a question about ImportScaled. When I select both the "Keep the input intensities in the output file" and the "Run Truncate..." options, the output MTZ file contains IMEAN and SIGIMEAN values that are different from the input intensity file. Specifically, the values are multiplied by 1/100th of the SCALE term reported in the log file that is calculated from the Wilson Plot during the Truncate procedure. However, when the "Run Truncate..." option is not selected, the output MTZ file contains unaltered IMEAN and SIGIMEAN values that match the input file.

After reading the recent CCP4 threads regarding Truncate as well as the program documentation, I still have a few questions:

1. My understanding is that this scaling of the intensities is done to bring them to an (approximate) absolute scale and therefore can only be performed when Truncate is run simultaneously (because the Wilson Plot is necessary to calculate the appropriate scale factor). However, why is the scaling equal to 1/100 of the SCALE term from the Wilson Plot (i.e. why not exactly the SCALE term)?

2. For programs that use intensities as a target for refinement, is it necessary to have the intensities scaled in this way or is it also valid to use the unaltered (scaled only) intensities?

3. On a related note, when is it best to refine against intensities vs. amplitudes? I have not been able to find recent literature that pertains to macromolecular crystallography and the documentation I've looked at for popular refinement programs that offer both targets do not provide guidelines as far as I can tell. If anyone could recommend some literature, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you very much for your time,
Best Regards,
-Andy Torelli


Andrew T. Torelli Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Cornell University

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