
I have a student who has been working on a python script that will allow the user to manually define hydrogen bonds in pymol (i.e. click on the nitrogen and oxygen atoms that you want to restrain). It then outputs a restraints definition file for refinement in phenix. It can be tedious to define the restraints for a large structure (we are working on a low resolution refinement of a large structure right now), but I haven't been able to find a better alternative.
If you would like to play with our scripts, let me know.

Sean Johnson

Phil Evans wrote:
Does anyone have a good way of imposing secondary structure restraints in a low resolution refinement?

I've done this in the past as hydrogen bond distance restraints within helices, input to refmac as "LINK"s , with the list generated with a little program and certain amount of pain

refmac now accepts an explicit list of external restraints, as does phenix.refine, but I'm looking for a way of generating these lists for quite a large structure without too much hackery, perhaps from a hydrogen-bond or secondary structure assignment program. Helices are reasonably straightforward (I can see how to do them from eg DSSP), but sheets are more complicated.

Any suggestions? I'm sure that someone must have done this


Sean Johnson, PhD
R. Gaurth Hansen Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
0300 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-0300
(435) 797-2089
(435) 797-3390 (fax)

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