As suggested by Tassos, what we need now more than ever is some Dutch diplomacy so that he healing can really begin. Various people have argued for a shorter term (Brazilians, Pflugrath) and since I'm personally rather partial to Brazilians I would say we ought to go with that and shave off a few letters.

So: we need a shorter, unambiguous term. I also think it should sound delicious. And it should be related to "structure (factor)" and "amplitude". We could take the first few letters of "STRucture", add some of the last ones of "amplitUDe". And to sweeten the deal (and reflecting the Austrian roots of Bernhard R and the Teutonic dittos of Jim P), we could add a diminutive "l". Thus we obtain:


So can we agree that, from now on, |F| is refered to as "strudl"? Examples of usage:

- "I have deposited my experimental strudls and sigmas, boss!"

- "We calculated a SIGMAA-weighted map with coefficients two-m-strudl-obs minus D-strudl-calc."

N.B.: In the special case that the |F| are the result of AP (auto-processing) of FEL (free-electron laser) data, the appropriate term would obviously be: "APFELSTRUDL".


                           Gerard J.  Kleywegt
   Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology  University of Uppsala
                   Biomedical Centre  Box 596
                   SE-751 24 Uppsala  SWEDEN
   The opinions in this message are fictional.  Any similarity
   to actual opinions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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