Dear All

this and other fixes are on the ccp4 problems pages

Charles Ballard

On 2 Mar 2009, at 16:50, Ronnie Berntsson wrote:

I have the same problem when running the latest ccp4 (6.1.1 on os x, updated 1 hour ago via fink). Only way I managed to circumvent it is to add the TWIN keyword in the command file as well..

Ronnie Berntsson

On Mar 2, 2009, at 16:06, Carr, SB (Stephen) wrote:

Dear CCP4BB,

I have come across a problem when running refmac5 in CCP4 6.1.1 via the gui. I have a twinned data set and so want to refine the twin fraction of the data. I selected amplitude based twin refinement in the gui, but find that the resulting command file does not contain the twin keyword and hence twin refinement does not occur. If I manually edit the command file to include the twin keyword then refmac calculates twin fractions etc. Has anyone else come across this problem and if so how did you solve it?

best regards,

Steve Carr

Dr Stephen Carr,
Membrane Protein Laboratory,
Diamond Light Source Ltd,
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus,
OX11 0DE

Tel:    (44)1235 778896

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