Dear all,

     This time, with plot attached - and apologies.

On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 05:58:49PM +0000, Gerard Bricogne wrote:
> Dear all,
>      The newly-deposited structure 3ftt from the CSGID structural genomics
> group has fields in its sf.cif file called F_meas_au and F_meas_sigma_au,
> but which clearly contain F_calc and ph_calc - at least, the F_meas_sigma_au
> field is uniformly distributed on [0,360] and the F_meas_au field has a >90%
> correlation with the calculated structure factors from the deposited PDB
> file in all resolution bins.
>      Thomas Womack's routine re-refinement of all structures deposited each
> week picked this up through a final Rfree value of 47% and a difference map
> with points at both +35 sigma and -35 sigma. His manual inspection of the
> difference map indicated negative density at every oxygen and nitrogen atom,
> and a more in-depth look at the structure factors picked up the root cause.
> The link between that cause and its effect on the final Rfree was explained
> by the fact that the erroneous sigma values resulted in very small F/sig(F)
> values at high resolution, hence in a very high value of the refined Luzzati
> B factor produced by BUSTER-TNT, and an anticipated decorrelation between
> expected and observed amplitudes. The attached reciprocal-space correlation
> coefficient plot showed this very clearly.
>      This instance leaves room for some concern about the verification of
> deposited structure factors: what happened here is consistent with the
> hypothesis that the standard-deviation field is ignored entirely, or at
> least that no plausibility check is carried out on the values deposited in
> it. 
>      With best wishes (and thanks to Thomas Womack),
>                           Gerard.
> -- 
>      ===============================================================
>      *                                                             *
>      * Gerard Bricogne             *
>      *                                                             *
>      * Global Phasing Ltd.                                         *
>      * Sheraton House, Castle Park         Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
>      * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK               Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
>      *                                                             *
>      ===============================================================

<<attachment: 3ftt-correl.png>>

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