Using pQE30, any E. coli is an expression host. Because it uses the T5 promoter, you don't need an E. coli strain carrying the T7 RNA polymerase (so, you don't need a "DE3" strain).

As noted by Artem, you are most likely having a leaky expression problem. However, it is odd that DH5a will transform if this is the case since it does not carry the lacIq mutation. XL1-Blue does, which is why it was suggested below.

You could try expression right in DH5a, since you have the plasmid there. Your transformation difficulties seem strange. Using this vector, DH5a should not transform any more stably than the other strains you tried.

I second the reclone it recommendation.



On May 4, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Engin Ozkan wrote:

Have you tried M15[pREP4], which are the cells Qiagen would like you to use? You can at least use pREP4 + your expression host, and have repressor expression to prevent leaky expression. That can help you get colonies of transformants.


On 5/4/09 7:04 AM, atul kumar wrote:

xl1-blue is not an expression host,since i have cloned it successfully,i need to transform into expression host, i am able to transform it into dh5 alfa,but not in any of expression host

From: []
Sent: Mon 5/4/2009 6:32 PM
To: atul kumar
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] problem in transformation of pqe 30 clone


You are using a pQE vector which has a T5 promoter. T5 is a native- like promoter, recognized by the E. coli RNA polymerase - and this means that even with lac operatorsupstream there is a huge amount of leakage in this system. If your protein is even moderately toxic then you have issues.

Your solutions are
1) to use cells with higher levels of lac repressor (XL1-blue for example)
2) to re-clone this ORF under some tightly controlled promoter


> i have cloned my gene successfully into qiagen vector into pqe30 but i do
> transformation of this into BL21,pLys,Rosseta,C41, i dont get any
> colonies,comp cells are good other clones give good no of colonies upon
> transformation.
> can someone help???
> thanks
> atul

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