Dear all,

I have a data set which is highly anisotropic (3.5-4A in one direction and 2A in the other) and huge amount of scattering in some rotation ranges. I know there is the anisotropic correction server which I can use to do scaling to the weaker data and get it into a kind-of isotropic set. I would like to seek advise on how best to integrate the raw data.

Obviously I don't want to throw away the high-resolution data. If I process it in mosflm to 2.0A, there is got to be a lot of profile averaging in the areas that there are very few or no spots. What is the best practice in integrating these data? Shall I just ignore the mosflm warnings and take it as a matter of fact that I have to live with for these poor profiles? In the mosflm user guide, it suggests processing isotropically (because using "anisotropic resolutions" to integrate data in mosflm will lead to huge incompleteness and refinement programs will later complain) but do postrefinement with anisotropic resolutions. How do I do that?

Please share your experiences.  Cheers.


Yu Wai Chen, PhD........................................Lecturer
King's College London, Randall Division         +44-207-848-8206
New Hunt's House, Guy's Campus, London SE1 1UL, U.K.

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