Hi Neeraj,
An absorption spectra between 220 and 400 nm (for example) should show you
if there is DNA coming along with your protein. In theory A280 is about 1.7
times A260 for a pure protein sample. This is a rough estimate. If your peak
is shifted towards 260 instead of 280 then you can suspect the presence of
contaminating DNA or RNA.

As to get rid of the DNA, I can suggest several ways to do it.
1-An heparin affinity column could out-compete your contaminating DNA while
binding your protein. They work really well.

2-Ion exchange is worth trying. It has worked for me with an extremely basic
archeal RNA binding protein purified in E.coli and bringing along some
endogenous RNA/DNA. An ion exchange ( Mono-S type) got rid of the
contaminating nucleic acid, however with some loss of protein.

3-DNAse treatment may be worth trying but the presence of traces of DNase
may be a problem with subsequent crystallization trials in presence of the
bona-fide target DNA sequence.

4-Precipitation of the DNA with streptomycine sulfate. You could also loss
some protein.

 1 and 2 are in my opinion the less invasive soutions.

Hope this helps.

Best regards

Pascal Egea

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