On 09/10/2009 12:17 PM, Sean Seaver wrote:
Hello Sylvia,

Two issues I would consider:
1)  recheck the space group
2)  make sure that I had selected a good model for my MR search

All the Best,

Hi Sylvia,

If you have just used rigid body refinement - the Rfactor might be high until you have allowed the individual atoms to move.

You did not indicate the resolution you are using - but every crystal is slightly different and parts of your model will likely need to move some. The higher the resolution - the larger the effects of slightly incorrect positions will be.

The best criteria would be to look at the electron density maps and evaluate what you see. Is there good backbone connectivity? Do you see improvements to make in the model? Is there difference in sequence that is clearly shown - say a small sidechain changed to something large and bulky? If so - you probably have the correct MR solution...


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