Limitless suggestions, but as you are about to embark on TEV digestion,
one thing you can do is do this within a dialysis tube and 1:20 and
dialyse for the magic period (overnight) to get rid of the imidazole, then
follow this with an IMAC step to remove uncleaved protein and the TEV. 
Remember to equilibrate your IMAC column including a little imidazole
5-30mM because, despite your wanting your tagged stuff to stick, some
proteins stick to the resin anyway if you don't equilibrate.  To make
doubly sure of this I always elute off the beads and run it on a gel, just
to see what is going on.


> Dear CCP4bb users (this is an off-topic question),
> We have a few proteins being expressed as
> HIS-TAG_(TEV_cleavage_site)_PROTEIN
> and we are about to initiate the purification steps.
> We have already used the HiTrap-Chelating columns from GE for the first
> purification step (affinity chromatography) and we would like to move
> forward
> with TEV digestion and a second purification step.
> We know these following steps are very protein-dependent, but we were
> wondering
> one could share his/her experience in the following steps: removal of
> imidazole,
> cleavage protocol and cleavage identification, second chromatography, etc.
> Any experience would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Ronaldo.

Dr Charles Allerston
Associate Research Scientist
Structural Biology
Ark Therapeutics
Darwin Building, UCL
Gower Street,
London WC1H 9EH
United Kingdom

phone:          +44 (0)2076791354

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