Hi Engin,

Two thoughts:

 * Is the Patterson map consistent ? (with different resolution ranges, 
exclusions, ...). You could possibly give 'GraphEnt' a try [assuming it 
still works with current generation mtz files].

 * The number of heavy atoms may be much larger and may deviate from 
the known NCS (and, so, what you interpret as a self vector may not be a 
self vector at all).

My twopence,

On Sun, 13 Sep 2009, Engin Ozkan wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I have a little weekend puzzle in my hands. I have (probably) two heavy atom
> sites and pseudo-translation in P2(1) (i.e. an NCS 2-fold parallel to the
> unique crystallographic axis). Doing a little algebra, I would expect two self
> vectors and the pseudo-translation in the Harker section (y=0.5) of the
> Anomolous Difference Patterson map (plus a cross vector at y=0).
> Unfortunately, I am seeing only one of the self vectors and the vector
> corresponding to NCS+CS (pseudo-translation), but not the second self vector,
> which does not make sense to me.  Drawing predicted pattersons confirms my
> expectations but not the real-world patterson map. I have already considered
> one site being weak as a possibility, but then the pseudo translation would
> not be stronger than the only self vector I'm seeing. I would appreciate
> anyone with a fresh brain pointing out what I might be missing here.
> Engin
> Anomalous Difference Patterson:
> CELL   95.4120  132.0710   99.0230   90.0000  109.0950   90.0000
> ATOM1   Ano   0.0000  0.0000  0.0000       53.95  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM2   Ano   0.4784  0.5000  0.0647        8.63  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM3   Ano   0.2043  0.5000  0.7631        7.23  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM4   Ano   0.1977  0.0000  0.1689        3.55  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM5   Ano   0.4099  0.5000  0.1794        3.01  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> Native Patterson:
> CELL   95.4120  132.0710   99.0230   90.0000  109.0950   90.0000
> ATOM1   Ano   0.0000  0.0000  0.0000       49.32  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM2   Ano   0.4686  0.5000  0.0465        8.99  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM3   Ano   0.5000  0.5000  0.9404        4.92  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM4   Ano   0.3074  0.0000  0.2447        3.49  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM5   Ano   0.1803  0.5000  0.7710        3.44  0.0 BFAC  20.0
> ATOM6   Ano   0.0479  0.0000  0.9072        3.35  0.0 BFAC  20.0


          Dr Nicholas M. Glykos, Department of Molecular Biology
     and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, University Campus,
  Dragana, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece, Tel/Fax (office) +302551030620,
    Ext.77620, Tel (lab) +302551030615, http://utopia.duth.gr/~glykos/

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