Hi Mohd,

here is how using PHENIX tools:

Step 1:

phenix.pdbtools model.pdb keep=backbone

Step 2:

phenix.pdbtools model_backbone_only.pdb  --show-adp-statistics

Please let me know if you have questions about the above tools.


On 9/15/09 9:37 AM, Salameh, Mohd A., Ph.D. wrote:

Dear All,

I would like to prepare a plot showing the b-factor of only the alpha carbon and/or the backbone atoms and I wonder if somebody knows a module or software that I can use, I tried the structure analysis/Temperature factor analysis module in CCP4 but it plots the average b-factor of all atoms which I'm not interested in. appreciate your help. Thanks, Mohd


*Mohd A. Salameh, Ph.D.*

Mayo Clinic Cancer Center

Griffin Cancer Research Building

4500 San Pablo Road

Jacksonville, FL 32224

Tel:(904) 953-0046

Fax:(904) 953-0277



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