Hi Katja,

a possible option:

from main PHENIX GUI select "Comprehensive validation". For example, it will do:

- all Molprobity checks;
- draw POLYGON picture (Acta Cryst. D65, 297-300 (2009) Crystallographic model quality at a glance.);
- show all kinds of stereochenistry rmsds;
- real-space correlation coefficient computed per residue or atom,

.... and more.


On 10/21/09 6:20 AM, Katja Schleider wrote:
Hi everybody,

I solved my first crystalstructure and now want to publish it. But how do I know the structure is ready for publication and deposition in the pdb. We can explain our theory with the structure but which factors I have to regard to publish nothing wrong or bad. Can anybody tell how many outliers are allowed as long as they are in a well defined density? I found several validation tools in coot, but I would like to be sure on what I have to emphasize.

Thank you very much in advance,


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