We've had good luck (sometimes) searching for nucleic acids 
with multiple small pieces - say ask it to find several 5bp 
chunks of DNA rather than one 20bp duplex.  I think Bill 
Scott will agree?
I have a hunch that searching for the protein 1st, at least 
at "modest" resolutions, may confuse the software because 
the DNA is denser. 
Of course, every case has its own idiosyncracies.

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 14:19:43 -0500
>From: Christian Biertuempfel <biertumpf...@niddk.nih.gov>  
>Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] molecular replacement in phaser  
>Hi Lisa,
>There are many things you can try and the phaser manual 
gives a lot of
>useful information what to do in difficult cases. From my 
experience, it
>is quite difficult to find solutions for MR with nucleic 
acids. I
>recommend to search only for protein. As a side effect you 
can use this
>approach as an "unbiased" quality check. If your solution 
is correct you
>expect to see additional density coming up for RNA (assumed 
that the RNA
>is ordered).
>Try different protein models containing either C-term or N-
term or both.
>Homology modeling can help a lot to generate a good search 
model. Try
>also to give higher values for rms differences (or lower 
>identity) between search model and target. Do you allow too 
many clashes
>as a packing criterion?
>p.s. Of course, check that you work in the right space 
>Lisa Wang wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I got one data about 3.0 A, belong to C2 space group. 
There are two
>> protein molecules and one 18-nt dsRNA per ASU. The 
structure of  last
>> 100aa  (C-terminal) has been reported, and 400 aa at N-
terminalhe has
>> homology structure with sequence identiy 30%. I try to 
solve it by MR
>> with phaser.
>> I did rotation and tranlation with 18-nt ideal dsRNA 
first, then search
>> with C-terminal model. I got about 20 sol after seaching 
dsRNA with TFZ
>> 8-10.0. I use all of them to serch the first c-terminal, 
and second
>> C-terminal. Ding this process,  LLG keep on increasing, 
and TFZ is
>> higher than 10. But all have serious clash. It looks like 
all the sol
>> are wrong.
>> Please give me a hand.
Phoebe A. Rice
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago
phone 773 834 1723

RNA is really nifty
DNA is over fifty
We have put them 
  both in one book
Please do take a 
  really good look

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