
I'm trying to get CCP4 (6.1.2) suite up and running on our shiny new Xserve 
We're using a NFS shared drive for the software, which is then loaded in to the 
user's $PATH using Modules (http://modules.sourceforge.net/).
I had a bit of trouble getting the source code to build in our environment, so 
I grabbed the contents of the Mac OS X package & changed some of the variables 
as needed.
I found a modulefile on the bulletin board 
(http://www.mail-archive.com/ccp4bb@jiscmail.ac.uk/msg10981.html), which I 
changed a little to suit our setup.

After a few tweaks to the module file, I managed to get ccp4i going on the 
Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to get the example job (System 
Administration -> Configure Interface -> Test -> Running Task) to run.
I'm currently only running on "localhost" (I'll move it to PBS/Torque once I 
get it running).

It's complaining it can't open environ.def.
It's not a permissions thing (I changed to 777, still got the error).
I read somewhere that ccp4fyp looks at the $CINCL variable.
This is set in the modulefile as: 
I've tried symlinking the environ.def (found in 
/software/modules/ccp4/6.1.2/ccp4-6.1.2/shared) into the directory, but it 
didn't seem to fix things.

I was wondering if anyone might have any ideas?

The job's log looks like this:

#CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 2.0.5
#CCP4I DATE 09 Dec 2009  16:16:44
#CCP4I USER markbate
#CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp/markbate
#CCP4I HOSTNAME orchard.med.monash.edu.au
#CCP4I PID 1586

>>>>>> CCP4 library signal ccp4_general:Cannot open environ.def (Error)
         raised in ccp4fyp <<<<<<
na4tomtz:  Cannot open environ.def
Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00  
* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: 
/software/modules/ccp4/6.1.2/ccp4-6.1.2/bin/na4tomtz HKLIN 
  HKLOUT "/tmp/markbate/PROJECT_4_1_mtz.tmp" 
has failed with error message
na4tomtz:  Cannot open environ.def

#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 " na4tomtz:  Cannot open environ.def"
#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 09 Dec 2009  16:16:44
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed


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