On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Tom Huxford <thuxf...@sciences.sdsu.edu>wrote:

> I'm working with good quality relatively complete x-ray diffraction data
> collected to a resolution limit 2.6 Å from a crystal of a protein with a
> small molecule ligand bound.  I ran MR from 10-4 Å and then did maximum
> likelihood rigid body refinement in Refmac5 against data from 50-3.5 Å.  Now
> I would like to run restrained refinement from 50-3 Å.  The reason for doing
> this is that, in order to minimize the divergence between R-cryst and R-free
> during refinement my advisor who, by the way, is forwarding this e-mail for
> me (and editing it so please don't bash him too mercilessly) suggested I
> first build in the ligand and newly positioned polypeptide loops and refine
> against data at a lower resolution limit before opening it up to all the
> available data.  Apparently this has worked well for him in the past (and it
> has!).  The problem is that I'm to the point where I'd like to extend the
> resolution down to 3 Å during restrained refinement but even if I set the
> range from 50-3 Å in the ccp4i window refinement only happens from 50-3.5
> Å.  If I take a step back and do the rigid body refinement from 50-3 Å and
> then carry out restrained refinement from 50-3 Å it works fine.  Why would
> the limits imposed by rigid body refinement cause the subsequent restrained
> refinement to be stuck at the rigid body refinement's resolution limits?

Did you refine against the file output by Refmac after rigid-body
refinement, instead of using the original reflections?


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