MIFit and MIExpert v2010-10 Released
Faster rendering, better performance, more customizable.

November 1, 2010 – The developers of MIFit and MIExpert announce the release of 
MIFit and MIExpert v2010-10.

MIFit v2010-10 is a free, Open Source molecular graphics program for protein 
crystal structure determination and display. The new version of MIFit has the 
following features:

*Easy to navigate and manipulate multiple structures and maps.

*Improvements in graphics rendering performance.

*Customizable jobs menu for interfacing with MIExpert or your own scripts and 
automated systems.

*Developed with Qt 4.7 (http://qt.nokia.com).

*Cross platform – supports Windows and Linux. Building on MacOS should be 
possible, but not yet supported.

MIExpert is a suite of Python driver scripts and interfaces that manage common 
crystallographic structure determination tasks, primarily using the CCP4 
software suite. The MIExpert interfaces are configured and exposed through 
MIFit. Alternatively, the driver scripts may be used as command-line components 
for structure solution applications.

This new version of the MIFit/MIExpert system has already been used to solve 
many structures and is well suited for personal crystallographic computing on 
laptop computers.

MIFit and MIExpert are available from http://code.google.com/p/mifit/ under the 
terms of GNU General Public License. Source code and precompiled distributions 
for Windows and Linux operating systems are available.

MIFit and MIExpert will continue to be developed and improved. Feedback is 

Bradley A. Smith, Ph.D., MIFit Project Manager
John Badger, Ph.D., MIExpert Author

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