
At this resolution, such a difference in Rs could be an indicator that the structure is over--fitted.
What weight did you choose?


On Dec 10, 2010, at 3:17 AM, Petr Kolenko wrote:

Dear colleagues,

I appreciate any help, or any suggestion with my difficult data. Many
thanks at least for consideration.
I work with datasets at 3.6AA of resolution. Integrated with XDS,
scaled with SCALA. After integration and scaling in P1, POINTLESS
suggested space group I432:

Space group confidence: 0.95
Laue group confidence: 1.000
Total probability: 0.97

After any longer refinement (more than 20 cycles), there was always a
big gap between Rwork and Rfree (0.22 and 0.33), although the
structure looks quite good at this resolution. I tried also space
group I23, here are my statistics:

Data processing (I23 vs I432):
Rmerge - 0.124 vs 0.134
high resolution Rmerge - 0.649 vs 0.732
low resolution Rmerge - 0.048 vs 0.037

The gap between Rwork and Rfree was stabilized in I23 using tight NCS

Rwork vs Rfree:
I23 withouth NCS: 0.228 vs 0.334
I23 with NCS: 0.249 vs 0.296
I43 : 0.228 vs 0.326

My question is, what would you recommend me to close the gap? Or is
this Rfree pointing out a lower real symmetry (I23) than suggested by
POINTLESS or PHENIX.XTRIAGE (I432)? I have tried different selection
of free reflections in I432 dataset already, but with almost the same

Many thanks for any response.

Petr Kolenko

Lijun Liu
555 Mission Bay Blvd South
CVRB Room 482, MBox 3122
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone: (415)514-2836

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