Dear all,

I'm trying to crystallize a small, soluble part of a protein (~15kDa, 152AA). I 
did some standard screens (Crystal Screen I & II + Index screen) with a protein 
concentration of 25 or 45mg/mL in an 1:1 (0.75µL)96 well set up. In most of the 
conditions I got phase separation (mostly PEG conditions)! Precipitation was 
formed in conditions with salt. I did not have phase separation with the 
control (buffer only, see below). For so far I know my protein was soluble up 
to a concentration of 60mg/mL (I didn't went higher). Its predicted to have a 
lot of beta-strands (according to CD-spectra and secondary structure 

So here are my questions:
- What is the molecular basis of phase separation? I mean what is going on at 
molecular level? I would suspect that my protein is not soluble in a PEG 
environment, is this correct?
- What can I do to prevent my protein or buffer (?) going into phases? Is it 
temperature dependent? Are there additives I can add? Do I need to lower the 
salt concentration? 
- Are there examples (some of your personal experience) where phase separation 
was a good thing? 

For your record: the protein is in a 150mM NaCl, 20mM HEPES pH7.5 buffer and 
the pI is 5-6. It is cloned with a his-tag (but cleaving the his-tag didn't 
change much). 

Best Regards, 

Ruben Van der Meeren
Ghent University
L-ProBE, hoogbouw, verdiep 5
K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35   9000 Ghent (Belgium)

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