Another potentially useful program, labelit.index, has two features of
interest; first it can accept approximately known unit cell dimensions as
input, allowing the indexer to select the correct basis vectors from the
forest of possibilities.  If this suceeds, it will produce the first
lattice.  Then the program can do a second indexing round, ignoring spots on
the first lattice and thus giving the second one.  I encourage you to submit
a pair of images to the labelit server ( and I'll
have a look.

Nick Sauter

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:06 AM, pravinkumar jagtap

> Hi to all,
> I have crystals which grow as joint crystals i.e two crystals are joined to
> one another. I tried to seperate the two and collect dataset but the
> resolution is not good( probably I am harming the crystals during
> seperation). Also I collected a dataset with the joined crystals in the loop
> and I got resolution up to 3.5 A on synchrotron. But when I am trying to
> index this dataset, the XDS is failing . I also tried to use mosflm but it
> is also giving warning message that the unit cell parameters are too
> inaccurate. And this all seems to be because of the two crystals in the
> loop. Can anyone suggest any strategy which I should take for indexing this
> dataset.
> Thanks,
> Pravin Kumar

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