Hi Greg,

I am not sure why you are so surprised! If the zinc is altering the
conformation and/or folding of your protein, this might change the
accessibility of trypsin cleavage sites, thus changing your limited
proteolysis pattern.


Metal-ion induced conformational changes in alkaline phosphatase from
E. coli assessed by limited proteolysis
V. Bučević-Popovića, M. Pavela-Vrančiča, ,  and R. Dieckmannb
Volume 86, Issue 6, June 2004, Pages 403-409




David C. Briggs PhD
Father, Structural Biologist and Sceptic
University of Manchester E-mail:
http://manchester.academia.edu/DavidBriggs (v.sensible)
http://xtaldave.wordpress.com/ (sensible)
http://xtaldave.posterous.com/ (less sensible)
Twitter: @xtaldave
Skype: DocDCB

On 16 March 2011 09:52, Greg Carter <greg.carter...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  To add more information:
> The proteolysis buffer was 50 mM Tris / HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM ZnCl
> and 0.1 mM TCEP; protein concentration was ~ 25 µM. Proteolysis was carried
> out at 4°C over 2 hours.
> Thank you very much for the literature, Mark - I'll look into it.
> Greg
> 2011/3/16 Matthias Zebisch <matth...@strubi.ox.ac.uk>
>> how much zinc would be essential to know...
>> Am 16/03/2011 09:18, schrieb Greg Carter:
>> Dear all,
>> I was working with a protein which is known to bind zinc. I tried to make
>> a limited proteolysis (with trypsin) after purification (metal affinity, ion
>> exchange and gel filtration; last step uses EDTA to remove bound metal ions)
>> in the presence and absence of zinc ions and I was quite surprised that the
>> proteolysis pattern is completely different although all parameters were the
>> same during the proteolysis (except for the presence of zinc ions). Since
>> the protein I'm using is His-tagged (and I did not remove the His-tag), I
>> was wondering whether anybody of you knows if zinc
>> 1.) affects trypsin in it's activity?
>> 2.) zinc can bind to the His-tag and affects the result of the limited
>> proteolysis?
>> 3.) zinc does not have any effect on His-tagged proteins?
>> Just another comment: I also tried the same proteolysis in the presence of
>> magnesium and manganese, but the proteolysis pattern looks the same as the
>> one without metal ions.
>> Any comments are welcome,
>> Greg
>> --
>> ****************************************************
>> Dr. Matthias Zebisch
>> The Division of Structural Biology
>> The Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine
>> Roosevelt Drive
>> Oxford, OX3 7BN
>> United Kingdom
>> Phone : +44-1865-278549 (office)
>> Mobile: +44-786-6841877
>> Fax   : +44-1865-2785
>> email: matth...@strubi.ox.ac.uk
>> ****************************************************

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