Dear CCP4,

I have encountered the following error message when scaling a recently 
collected data set.

The program run with command: 
/home/applications/CCP4-6.1.13/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/ctruncate -hklin 
"/tmp/tfr35668/Diamond270211_21_2_mtz.tmp" -hklout 
"/tmp/tfr35668/Diamond270211_21_4_mtz_S-SAD1_P43212.tmp" -colin 
"/*/*/\[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN\]" -colano "/*/*/\[I(+),SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-)\]" -colout 
has failed with error message
CCP4MTZfile - internal error
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'clipper::Message_fatal'

The data have been integrated in imosflm with no apparent problems and Scala 
scales the data.  The problem seems to be that ctruncate then falls over when 
trying to output the data (I specified the ctruncate run from within the scala 
window in the CCP4i gui).

Searching for this error message doesn't bring up anything useful so could 
anyone suggest what might be going wrong?

Thanks very much,


Dr Stephen Carr
Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford
Oxon OX11 0FA
United Kingdom
tel 01235 567717

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