RiboCORE http://www.icm.uu.se/ribocore/, a newly established center for multidisciplinary ribosome studies at Uppsala University, Sweden, is looking for a number of outstanding postdoctoral fellows with an interest for multidisciplinary research and PhD degrees in for example structural biology, molecular biology, single molecule biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, microscopy and image analysis, microbiology or computational chemistry. Excellent skills in spoken and written English is an absolute requirement.

If you are interested, please send an email to riboc...@icm.uu.se including a brief statement of research interests and a CV including list of publications before 1 Aug 2011.

We also recruit several PhD students. For more information and application procedures see the following link: http://www.personalavd.uu.se/ledigaplatser/1609PhD.html

Best regards

Maria Selmer, PhD, docent       
Assistant Professor                                     
Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University
BMC, Box 596
SE-75124 Uppsala

Telephone: +46-(0)18-4714177
Fax: +46-(0)18-536971

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