On Jul 22, 2011, at 4:24 AM, Xiaoguang Xue wrote:

> I noticed that the Fink repository will not run on the Lion system

All the debian utilities work (as does the crystallography software), so it is 
just the fink perl wrapper script itself that doesn't work.

Here is a cheap and easy, but unofficial, work-around:

If you have everything in /sw, and it is 64-bit:

 curl -O 

 sudo dpkg -i fink_0.31.99.cvs-20110723.1818_darwin-x86_64.deb

If you have everything in /sw, gimmie about an hour, and you can do the same 
like this:

 curl -O 

 sudo dpkg -i fink_0.31.99.cvs-20110723.1818_darwin-x86_64.deb

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