Dear all,

First of all just "hello" to everyone since I am new to this forum. Not being a crystallographer, bear with me if I say something crazy.

I was recently tinkering with Sfall and noticed that the Fcalc output by Sfall have different values depending on if one feeds Sfall with an input mtz file containing Fobs ("mode sfcalc xyzin" vs. "mode sfcalc xyzin hklin") and also depending on if one tells Sfall to scale the Fobs or not ("noscale" on or off). This puzzles me as I would have thought that since Fcalc are calculated from the atomic coordinates, they should be affected by neither the Fobs fed to Sfall nor the scaling of the Fobs.

As an example, Sfall calculations on PDB:1AHO. In each case the Fcalc column is the penultimate one. Here the difference in Fcalc between scaling or not scaling the Fobs is not so pronounced, but it still puzzles me that there would be any change at all. Also, in this case when the Sfall is run without hklin, there is a substantial change in PHIC.

1. HKLIN was provided and scaling turned on.
    H   K  L        FP           SIGFP   FC           PHIC
    0   1   2      162.32      3.86    238.41    270.00
    0   1   4       97.72      2.34    190.32     90.00
    0   1   5      230.11     12.78    256.90    270.00
    0   1   6      205.83      7.00    322.93     90.00
    0   2   2       53.28      2.14    198.16      0.00
    0   2   4      137.66      5.46      2.63      0.00
    0   2   5      249.32      5.84    293.85      0.00
    0   2   6      203.96      5.37    303.16    180.00

2. HKLIN was provided but scaling was turned off.
    H   K  L        FP           SIGFP   FC           PHIC
    0   1   2      158.53      3.77    238.28    270.00
    0   1   4       95.44      2.29    189.92     90.00
    0   1   5      224.74     12.48    256.07    270.00
    0   1   6      201.02      6.84    321.43     90.00
    0   2   2       52.04      2.09    198.01      0.00
    0   2   4      134.45      5.33      2.63      0.00
    0   2   5      243.50      5.70    292.83      0.00
    0   2   6      199.20      5.24    301.69    180.00

3. HKLIN with Fobs was not provided (both FC and PHIC are quite different)
    H   K  L       FC           PHIC
    0   1   2      260.16   -108.18
    0   1   4      122.43     -7.47
    0   1   5       38.13     81.93
    0   1   6      209.85    125.96
    0   2   2      386.47    -78.65
    0   2   4      145.47    -82.02
    0   2   5      107.70    -15.80
    0   2   6      101.94    138.75

If anyone could explain, I'd be very grateful. Thanks!

Pawel Janowski

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