Dear Phil (and everyone):

1.  I've now got automated build systems for coot for 10.7.1 and 10.6.8.  I 
just haven't had a chance to get the 10.6.8 one on line.  I'll try to do this 
today.  (Also, the last few haven't build due to a change in the code with 
which the compiler can't cope, but hopefully that will be a thing of the past 

2.  Most things build on 10.6.X will run on 10.7.X.  I haven't opened ccp4mg, 
but will give it a try after I wake up.

3.  I've had trouble with stereo on coot with 10.7.1, but, oddly, the problem 
goes away if I have a second monitor.

If you update to 10.7, keep a clone of 10.6 just in case it drives you nuts.  
There are all sorts of perverse changes, and (unlike the reversal in scrolling 
direction) not a lot of over-ride options.

I guess this is a glimpse of the post-Jobs era, albeit one provided from an 
inconvenient vista.

Peace and joy,


On Sep 16, 2011, at 6:33 AM, William G. Scott wrote:

> Dear Phil (and everyone):
> 1.  I've now got automated build systems for coot for 10.7.1 and 10.6.8.  I 
> just haven't had a chance to get the 10.6.8 one on line.  I'll try to do this 
> today.  (Also, the last few haven't build due to a change in the code with 
> which the compiler can't cope, but hopefully that will be a thing of the past 
> soon.)
> 2.  Most things build on 10.6.X will run on 10.7.X.  I haven't opened ccp4mg, 
> but will give it a try after I wake up.
> 3.  I've had trouble with stereo on coot with 10.7.1, but, oddly, the problem 
> goes away if I have a second monitor.
> If you update to 10.7, keep a clone of 10.6 just in case it drives you nuts.  
> There are all sorts of perverse changes, and (unlike the reversal in 
> scrolling direction) not a lot of over-ride options.
> I guess this is a glimpse of the post-Jobs era, albeit one provided from an 
> inconvenient vista.
> Peace and joy,
> Bill
> On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:48 AM, Phil Evans wrote:
>> I use my MBP with external screen, keyboard & mouse all the time. The new 
>> ones are fast, & mine should easily cope with Lion
>> My question about Lion was because
>> 1. on the one hand as far as I can see Bill Scott only builds latest 
>> stand-alone Coots (0.7...) for Lion, and these don't work on 10.6 (is this 
>> true Bill?)
>> 2. on the other hand, I had a report that ccp4mg doesn't work on Lion (is 
>> that true Stuart?)
>> and I need both of these (and don't fancy building either myself)
>> Phil (still on 10.6)
>> On 11 Sep 2011, at 17:55, Sean Seaver wrote:
>>> Dear Herbert,
>>> I've come across quite a few people that are using mac books as their main 
>>> development computer.  This site ( ) can be an good 
>>> way to learn about various setups.  A popular trend seems to be using a mac 
>>> book along with the apple thunderbolt display for more screen real estate.
>>> Take Care,
>>> Sean Seaver
>>> P212121

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