The archiving of all raw data and subsequently making it public is something that the large facilities are currently debating whether to do. Here at the ESRF we store user data for only 6 months (and I believe that it is available longer on tape) and we already have trouble with capacity. My personal view is that facilities should take the lead on this - for MX we already have a very good archiving system - ISPyB - also running at Diamond. ISPyB stores lots of meta data and jpgs of the raw images but not the images themselves but a link to the location of the data with an option to download if still available. My preferred option would be to store all academically funded data and then make it publicly available after say 2-5 years (this will no doubt spark another debate on time limits, special dispensation etc). What needs to be thought about is how to order the data and how to make sure that the correct meta data are stored with each data set - this will rely heavily on user input at the time of the experiment rather than gathering together data sets for depositions much later. As already mentioned, this type of resource could be extremely useful for developers and also as a general scientific resource. Smells like an EU grant to me. Cheers, Matt.

On 26/10/2011 10:21, Frank von Delft wrote:
Since when has the cost of any project been limited by the cost of hardware? Someone has to /implement /this -- and make a career out of it; thunderingly absent from this thread has been the chorus of volunteers who will write the grant.

Matthew Bowler
Structural Biology Group
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
B.P. 220, 6 rue Jules Horowitz
Tel: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)

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