Hi all,
Has anyone observed 'odd' arginine residues, missing the NH1 atom; and possibly 
related.. very close Chlorine-arginine (NH1 again) distances.

I have a 1.3Å structure and am having trouble getting my head around some very 
odd density features.

I have 2 molecules in the assym.  with the equivalent arg residues showing the 
same odd feature.
Seems to be a chlorine binding site - typical mix of hydrophobic and proton 
rich side chains - but, the NH1 of the particular arginine residue concerned 
(as I say in both NCS copies) seems to have only 50% occupancy and the chlorine 
appears to have a 2nd distinct position closer to the arginine, such that if 
the NH1 atom were present it would be only 2Å away!


Cheers in advance


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