Dear All,

I read an interesting statement in an NMR review:

".... regions of a protein or
DNA ⁄ RNA molecule that are flexible in the crystal do
not provide coherent X-ray scattering and hence do
not contribute to the final electron density map. Thus,
for all intents and purposes, they can effectively be

Besides that I was not aware that disorder across molecules implies incoherence
in scattering, I think this is quite some strong tobacco coming from what is
primarily a crystallization screening tool ;-) 

Cheers, BR

PS: I am grappling with the meaning of resolution in NMR. I can see that it
could be related to comparable data/parameter ratios, although I am even
less clear about the weights of NMR restraint weights than in the case of MX...
some cross-trained person out there who can explain? 

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