I probably it depends on whether you've got gunk or a functionally relevant 
oligomer in that void volume.  Is it active?

RecA and Rad51 both form open-ended head-to-tail oligomers and yet they still 

Phoebe A. Rice
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago
phone 773 834 1723

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 18:21:03 -0500
>From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> (on behalf of Raji 
>Edayathumangalam <r...@brandeis.edu>)
>Subject: [ccp4bb] Aggregated protein for crystallization  
>   Hi Folks,
>   As crazy as it sounds, if you have crystallized and
>   managed to solve the structure of a protein from
>   aggregated protein, please could you share your
>   experience.
>   After many constructs, many many expression schemes
>   and after the usual rigmarole of optimization that
>   is also often discussed on ccp4bb (buffers,
>   glycerol, salt concentrations, pH, detergent,
>   additives etc.), I now have a decently expressing
>   truncated construct for my protein (80 kDa) that is
>   pure but aggregated (elutes in the void volume from
>   a Superdex200 column). I am tempted to make a
>   boatload of aggregated protein and set up some
>   crystal trays (after perhaps testing by CD). So I'd
>   like to hear from folks who have been successful in
>   solving structures from aggregates when many many
>   known and tested optimization methods still leave
>   one with aggregated protein.
>   Thanks.
>   Raji
>   --
>   Raji Edayathumangalam
>   Instructor in Neurology, Harvard Medical School
>   Research Associate, Brigham and Women's Hospital
>   Visiting Research Scholar, Brandeis University

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