[Cross-posted from the 3DEM mailing list.]
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Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 16:34:39 +0100
From: Helen Saibil <h.sai...@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk>
To: 3DEM Mailing List <3...@ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: [3dem] CCP-EM positions now available
Dear Colleagues,
We have been awarded a Partnership grant by the MRC to provide computational
support for UK scientists using electron cryo-microscopy for structural
biology. One of the major aims is to create a Collaborative Computational
Project, CCP-EM, by analogy with similar successful projects in macromolecular
crystallography (CCP4) and biological nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(CCPN). We seek two excellent and motivated computational scientists to
support the Partnership grant and the CCP-EM project. These posts will have a
wide variety of responsibilities, including writing community code, improving
the useability of existing code, providing training, and supporting individual
scientists. The first post will focus on technical aspects, building community
tools and improving the programs available. The second post will focus more on
the scientific requirements of the community. The posts are located at the
Research Complex at Harwell, alongside the core group of CCP4, but the
postholders will be expected to travel throughout the UK and interact with
international groups to support the collaboration.
Applications must be made through the RCUK Shared Services recruitment portal
https://ext.ssc.rcuk.ac.uk/ using the references IRC50385 and IRC50666.
Informal enquiries may be made to Martyn Winn (martyn.w...@stfc.ac.uk).
Best wishes,
Martyn Winn, Richard Henderson, Alan Roseman, Peter Rosenthal, Helen Saibil
and Ardan Patwardhan